Artificial Reefs

Explore how engineered habitats are enhancing marine ecosystems, and discover the role of artificial reefs in increasing fish biomass, supporting biodiversity, and providing new opportunities for fishing and SCUBA diving. Learn about the efforts of the Commission’s Artificial Reef Committee in strategically placing structures like decommissioned ships and concrete debris to benefit both marine life and coastal communities.



Simen Kaalstad, Habitat Committee Coordinator, (

Spiegel Grove Wreck, a sunken 510-foot retired Navy ship, is the backbone of a reef ecosystem six miles offshore ship in Florida. Credit: Bill Horn, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

Artificial reefs have been used for centuries to enhance fishery resources and fishing opportunities by creating habitat for fish and invertebrate species through the use of man-made materials. 

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Artificial reefs also provide underwater structures for SCUBA divers and facilitate reef-related research.  Artificial reefs are typically constructed from dense materials, such as decommissioned ships and barges; concrete and steel demolition debris; and dredge rock.  When properly constructed and strategically sited, artificial reefs can enhance fish habitat, increase access to quality fishing grounds, benefit fishermen and the economies of shore communities, increase total fish biomass within a given area, and provide managers with another option for the conservation and management of fishery resources.

Deployed ball evaluated by FL FWCC biologist. Photo credit Keith Mille, FL FWCC

The Commission’s Artificial Reef Committee was established in 1986 to coordinate artificial reef development activities in the Atlantic Ocean within both state and federal waters. In 2000, the Committee began to operate administratively under the Commission’s Habitat Program, and frequent communication is maintained with the Habitat Committee. The Committee also works in close coordination with the corresponding subcommittee at the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission. The Artificial Reef Committee evaluates current artificial reef issues, and occasionally provides guidance on those issues.  Some topics of interest include: reefing of ships, subway cars, and other materials; monitoring of artificial reefs; and funding for artificial reefs.

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