The 2022 Red Drum Simulation Assessment and Peer Review Report is divided into two sections: 2022 Red Drum Simulation Stock Assessment Peer Review Report; and 2022 Red Drum Simulation Stock Assessment Report
Stock Assessment Reports
Scientific evaluations of fish stock status, providing critical data on population sizes, health, and trends to inform management decisions.
Updated 2022
This report updates the assessment with the 1999 and 2000 data. Due to additional analyses, this report alters some of the specifics of the Advisory Report: 2002 Weakfish Stock Assessment (Anonymous, 2002) and supersedes that report.
This document provides an overview of the 2021 Revision of the Adaptive Resource Management (ARM) Framework. The objectives of the ARM Revision were to address previous peer review critiques, include many new sources of data and horseshoe crab mortality, and adopt new modeling software since the old software is obsolete.
The 36th SARC was asked to provide review and comment on a number of methodological aspects of the current striped bass assessment approach.
This stock assessment update presents new data compiled since 2018, and results from the accepted statistical catch‐atlength model and traffic light analyses.
This assessment of Atlantic bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) is a Level 1 update of the existing 2015 benchmark assessment (NEFSC 2015).
Stock status in 2020 varied by region but was generally improved from the 2016 update. In the Massachusetts-Rhode Island (MARI) region, the Long Island Sound (LIS) region, and the Delaware-Maryland-Virginia (DMV) region, the stock was not overfished and overfishing was not occurring. In the New Jersey-New York Bight (NJ-NYB) region, overfishing was not occurring, but the stock was overfished, although spawning stock biomass (SSB) had increased since the previous update and was just below the SSB threshold.
This stock assessment is an update to the existing benchmark assessment for tautog (ASMFC 2015, ASMFC 2016); the previous assessment update was completed in 2017 (ASMFC 2017). This assessment updates the accepted statistical catch-at-age model for each region with commercial and recreational fishery catch data and indices of relative abundance from fishery-independent and fishery-dependent data sources through the terminal year of 2020.
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