Prepared November 8, 2005, by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Northern Shrimp Technical Committee
Stock Assessment Reports
Scientific evaluations of fish stock status, providing critical data on population sizes, health, and trends to inform management decisions.
A report prepared by the Striped Bass Technical Committee for the Atlantic Striped Bass Management Board
American Lobster Stock Assessment Model Technical Review: Terms of Reference and Panel Report — 2004
Special Report No. 82 of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission
A meeting of the Coastal/Pelagic working group was held April 27-29th in Woods Hole, MA. The objective was to produce a stock assessment for the northern stock of black sea bass for consideration at the 39th SARC.
The Terms of Reference and Advisory Report provides summary information concerning the Atlantic menhaden stock assessment and results of the SEDAR review to evaluate the accuracy of the data and assessment methods for this species.
The purpose of this project was to interview persons working in commercial menhaden harvesting, specifically targeting those who work in reduction facilities in NC and VA in order to gather anthropological, sociological, and to a lesser extent, economic data appropriate for inclusion in an amendment to the Atlantic Menhaden FMP.
Stock Assessment Report No. 04-01 (Supplement) of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission
The Transboundary Resource Assessment Committee (TRAC) met during 10-14 February, 2003 in the Conference Center, Biological Station, St Andrews, NB, Canada, to a assess the Gulf of Maine-Georges Bank Atlantic herring complex.
The following report presents the results of the Technical Committee’s 2004 stock assessment.
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