In an effort to evaluate the potential economic impacts of Addendum IV, the Atlantic State Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) contracted Industrial Economics, Incorporated (IEc) to conduct an economic assessment of the horseshoe crab and dependent fisheries, including American eel and conch, for the states most likely affected by the Addendum IV management measures: Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, and Virginia.
Fisheries Science Special Reports
In-depth reports on specific topics or issues of particular importance to fisheries management and conservation.
This paper will first highlight the federal legal mandates that guide managers to consider cumulative impacts. There is then a discussion of the socioeconomic factors that affect fishing communities, followed by a discussion of seasonal closures and their impact on the fisheries. Two case studies are provided to highlight how these issues have played out. Lastly, implications of cumulative impacts of seasonal closures for consideration by fisheries managers are examined.
Testing the validity of Cating’s (1953) method for age determination of American shad using scales. Fisheries Research 30: 10-18.McBride, R.S., Hendricks, M.L., and Olney, J.E. (2005)
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