Fisheries Science Special Reports
In-depth reports on specific topics or issues of particular importance to fisheries management and conservation.
From January 16-18, 2024, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission ran an online vessel and gear calibration workshop to bring together survey leads from NEAMAP and SEAMAP to discuss common issues agencies encounter when changing a vessel or gear for their bottom trawl surveys. This document aims to summarize workshop presentations and outline best practices and guidance identified during discussions.
Updates on GARFO and NEFSC role in the offshore wind development process, including data exchange, regulatory process, survery mitigation, and research on interactions of offshore wind on NOAA trust resources
The Third Edition includes contributions from many more agencies and universities from the Gulf region as well as the Atlantic. A number of techniques and species are described beyond the original scope of the manual.
In this project we collected and analyzed primary and secondary socioeconomic data, both quantitative and qualitative, regarding the U.S. Atlantic menhaden commercial fishery. The goal is to provide a document that characterizes the socioeconomic dimensions of menhaden fisheries stakeholders and can be used to support economic analysis of alternative menhaden allocations.
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