Fisheries Science Meeting Agendas and Summaries
Concise overviews and detailed accounts of discussions, decisions, and outcomes from Commission meetings, providing stakeholders with insights into the deliberations and actions taken.
Review and Discuss ACCSP Governance Survey Results (G. White); Committee and Program Updates (J. Simpson, G. White); Status of 2020 Action Plan Items (G. White)
Consider Approval of Funding Decision Document and 2021 Request for Proposals (J. Simpson) Action; Discuss Marine Recreational Information Program State Partnership Report to Congress (G. White)
Discuss Measuring Success in Rebuilding and Sustaining Stocks (T. Kerns); Discuss Climate Change Impacts to Fisheries Resources; Overview of Management Strategy Evaluations (J. McNamee); Overview of New Marine Recreational Information Program Survey Data (R. Andrews); Overview of United States Geological Survey Scientific Support to ASMFC (S. Faulkner); Review ASMFC Research Priorities (P. Campfield); Discuss Offshore Wind and Fisheries Interactions
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