Stock Assessment Report No. 07-01 of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission
Fisheries Science
Sustainable fisheries management depends on sound, timely scientific advice. The Fisheries Science Program delivers this through a rigorous, peer-reviewed stock assessment process, utilizing a mix of fishery-independent surveys and fishery-dependent monitoring, complemented by research from coastal state, federal, and academic institutions. The program also focuses on developing innovative scientific methods and enhancing state stock assessment capabilities, while coordinating and expanding collaborative research and data collection efforts.
The American Shad Stock Assessment Report analyzes the status of 31 stocks of American shad along the Atlantic coast. Due to the large volume of material contained within the report (1200+ pages), it is organized into three volumes. Volume I contains a comprehensive look at all of the stocks, including an introduction to the science and management of the species, summaries of coastwide indices, summaries of the state or river system assessments, conclusions and recommendations, and a look at hypothesized causes of decline.
The American Shad Stock Assessment Report analyzes the status of 31 stocks of American shad along the Atlantic coast. Due to the large volume of material contained within the report (1200+ pages), it is organized into three volumes. Volume II provides an in-depth exploration of American shad stock status by state or river system.
Relative to the biological reference points proposed by the working group in the2005 SARC, the bluefish stock is not overfished and overfishing is not occurring (½BMSY =73,526 MT; FMSY = 0.19). This conclusion is based on a 2006 biomass estimate of 139,496 MT and F=0.15 from the ASAP model results.
The American Shad Stock Assessment Report analyzes the status of 31 stocks of American shad along the Atlantic coast. Due to the large volume of material contained within the report (1200+ pages), it is organized into three volumes. Volume III provides an in-depth exploration of American shad stock status by state or river system.
Prepared October 31, 2007, by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Northern Shrimp Technical Committee
In 2003 tautog experienced fishing mortality rates estimated on a coastwide basis (F=0.2999 yr-1) that were marginally above the management target (F=0.29 yr-1).
The stock assessment was completed in February 2006. The assessment was submitted to the Commission and was evaluated through the Commission’s external peer review process on March 20-22, 2006 in Providence, RI.
Tautog is currently experiencing fishing mortality rates, estimated on a coastwide basis, that are marginally above the management target.
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