The purpose of the workshop was to compare methods in sectioning and reading otoliths from red drum and Atlantic croaker to establish common age interpretation methods coast wide.
Fisheries Science
Sustainable fisheries management depends on sound, timely scientific advice. The Fisheries Science Program delivers this through a rigorous, peer-reviewed stock assessment process, utilizing a mix of fishery-independent surveys and fishery-dependent monitoring, complemented by research from coastal state, federal, and academic institutions. The program also focuses on developing innovative scientific methods and enhancing state stock assessment capabilities, while coordinating and expanding collaborative research and data collection efforts.
Relative to the biological reference points proposed by the working group in the 2005 SARC, the bluefish stock is not overfished and overfishing is not occurring (½BMSY =73,526 MT; FMSY = 0.19). This conclusion is based on a 2007 biomass estimate of 153,843 MT and F=0.15 from the ASAP model results.
The current assessment of the Southern New England/Mid-Atlantic (SNE/MA) stock complex of winter flounder is an update of the previous assessment completed in 2005 at GARM2 (NEFSC 2005).
Gulf of Maine winter flounder was assessed in GARM II with ADAPT VPA model with catch through 2004 (NEFSC 2005). The GARM II assessment concluded that the stock is not overfished and overfishing is not occurring.
Prepared October 28, 2008 by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Northern Shrimp Technical Committee
The 46th SARC was convened in Woods Hole at the Northeast Fisheries Science Center, November 26–29, 2007, to review one assessment (striped bass, Morone saxatilis). CIE reviews for SARC-46 were based on detailed reports produced by the ASMFC Striped Bass Technical, Stock Assessment, and Tagging Committees.
The 46th SAW Assessment Summary Report contains summary and detailed technical information on one assessment reviewed in November 2007 at the Stock Assessment Workshop (SAW) by the 46th Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC-46): striped bass (Morone saxatilis).
A Report of the 46th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop
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