Habitat Assessment Decision Support Tool (J. Devers); Status of Indian River Lagoon Post Algae Blooms (C. Jacoby); National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP) Update (L. Havel); Overview of NFHP Evaluations (L. Havel); Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership Collaboration Update(L. Havel); Whitewater to Bluewater Update(L. Havel)
Fisheries Science
Sustainable fisheries management depends on sound, timely scientific advice. The Fisheries Science Program delivers this through a rigorous, peer-reviewed stock assessment process, utilizing a mix of fishery-independent surveys and fishery-dependent monitoring, complemented by research from coastal state, federal, and academic institutions. The program also focuses on developing innovative scientific methods and enhancing state stock assessment capabilities, while coordinating and expanding collaborative research and data collection efforts.
Review Recommendations of FY2016 Submitted Proposals (Operations Committee Chair T. Hoopes and Advisory Committee Chair J. Morgan) Action; Review Progress of the IPR Recommendations
SEAMAP 2016-2020 Management Plan Draft Language (L. DeLancey); South Atlantic Fishery Management Council Fishery Ecosystem Plan Amendment II (L. DeLancey); Black Gill Shrimp Research; “Offshore Spawning of Blue Crabs in the Southeast U.S.” (M. Ogburn); Regional Blue Crab Stock Assessment Discussion
Review Progress of the Independent Program Review (IPR) Recommendations; Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Subcommittee Update (M. Cahall); ACCSP/ASMFC MRIP-APAIS Transition Update (M. Cahall)
Given the depleted condition of the resource and poor prospects for the near future, the NSTC recommends that the Northern Shrimp Section extend the moratorium on fishing through 2016.
This document summarizes the striped bass assessment that uses catch and index data from 1982-2014.
The Board reviewed the results of the stock assessment and the peer review report in August 2015 and approved the benchmark assessment for management use. The Board is now considering the implications of combining the GOM and GBK biological stocks as well as the continued low abundance and recruitment in SNE.
Fleet-specific Fishing Mortality Reference Points; Estimated Harvest Reduction in 2015 from Implementation of Addendum IV; Consider Approval of 2015 FMP Review and State Compliance (M. Appelman) Action
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