Fisheries Science
Sustainable fisheries management depends on sound, timely scientific advice. The Fisheries Science Program delivers this through a rigorous, peer-reviewed stock assessment process, utilizing a mix of fishery-independent surveys and fishery-dependent monitoring, complemented by research from coastal state, federal, and academic institutions. The program also focuses on developing innovative scientific methods and enhancing state stock assessment capabilities, while coordinating and expanding collaborative research and data collection efforts.
February 18-19, 2025, Meeting Summary
This Policy seeks to maximize the long-term benefits across all of our marine fishery resources by providing objective criteria to characterize both scientific and management uncertainty, and to evaluate management risk. Additionally, the Policy improves transparency in the management process, allowing for better communication among managers, industry, and other stakeholders.
Quick Guide to ASMFC Species Stock Status (Current as of December 2024)
This stock assessment update presents new data compiled since 2021 and the results from the accepted statistical catch-at-length model and traffic light analyses.
This spreadsheet outlines the upcoming ASMFC assessments, including dates, deadlines, and key milestones. Use it to keep track of scheduled evaluations and manage your involvement in fisheries management activities. — Updated Dec. 2024
This document presents a summary of the 2024 stock assessment update for Atlantic striped bass. This is an update of the assessment model that was peer-reviewed by an independent panel of scientific experts at the 66th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop/Stock Assessment Review Committee (SAW/SARC66) meeting in November 2018 and includes data through 2023.
Risk & Uncertainty Policy for Red Drum Presented to the Sciaenids Management Board
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