Welcome to our Resources and Publications page, your go-to destination for all the latest research, reports, and educational materials from the Commission. Below you’ll find comprehensive guides, scientific studies, and policy documents that provide valuable insights into the management and conservation of Atlantic coastal fisheries.
Interstate Fisheries Management Program Policy Board Annual Meeting Presentations — November 2015
Interstate Fisheries Management Program Policy Board Annual Meeting Agenda — November 2015
Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership (ACFHP) Steering Committee Annual Meeting Presentations — November 2015
Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership (ACFHP) Steering Committee Annual Meeting Agenda — November 2015
ASMFC Business Session Annual Meeting Agenda — November 2015
ASMFC Law Enforcement Committee and GSMFC Law Enforcement Advisory Panel Annual Meeting Materials — November 2015
ASMFC Law Enforcement Committee and GSMFC Law Enforcement Advisory Panel Annual Meeting Agenda — November 2015
Annual Meeting Legislators and Governors’ Appointees Luncheon — November 2015
SEAMAP-SA and GSMFC Crustacean Work Groups Annual Meeting Agenda — November 2015
Habitat Committee Annual Meeting Presentations — November 2015
Habitat Committee Annual Meeting Agenda — November 2015
ASMFC Executive Committee Annual Meeting Materials — November 2015
ASMFC Executive Committee Annual Meeting Agenda — November 2015
ACCSP Coordinating Council Annual Meeting Agenda — November 2015
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