Welcome to our Resources and Publications page, your go-to destination for all the latest research, reports, and educational materials from the Commission. Below you’ll find comprehensive guides, scientific studies, and policy documents that provide valuable insights into the management and conservation of Atlantic coastal fisheries.
Proceedings of the Business Session – November 1993
Atlantic Herring Fishery Management Plan
Atlantic Menhaden Fishery Management Plan – 1992 Revision
Winter Flounder Fishery Management Plan
Weakfish Amendment 1
Red Drum Amendment 1
Assessment of the Status of the Atlantic Coast Weakfish Stock — 1991
Spanish Mackerel Fishery Management Plan
Atlantic Sturgeon Fishery Management Plan
Stock Assessment of River Herring from Selected Atlantic Coast Rivers — 1990
Bluefish Fishery Management Plan
Atlantic Striped Bass Amendment 4
Investigations of Ocean Landings for American Shad and River Herrings from United States East Coast Waters — 1989
Shad and River Herring – 1988 FMP Supplement
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