Welcome to our Resources and Publications page, your go-to destination for all the latest research, reports, and educational materials from the Commission. Below you’ll find comprehensive guides, scientific studies, and policy documents that provide valuable insights into the management and conservation of Atlantic coastal fisheries.
Proceedings of the ISFMP Policy Board – November 1999
Atlantic Striped Bass Addendum IV to Amendment 5
Northern Shrimp Advisory Panel Meeting Summary — October 1999
American Lobster Addendum I to Amendment 3
Proceedings of the Business Session – May 1999
Proceedings of the ISFMP Policy Board – May 1999
Atlantic Herring Advisory Panel Meeting Summary — May 1999
Shad and River Herring Amendment 1
Atlantic Herring Amendment I
Terms of Reference & Advisory Report for the Atlantic Menhaden Stock Assessment Report for Peer Review— 1999
Atlantic Menhaden Stock Assessment Report for Peer Review — 1999
Assessment of Atlantic Red Drum: Northern and Southern Regions — 1999
Horseshoe Crab Fishery Management Plan
Coastal Artificial Reef Planning Guide
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