Review of NOAA Fisheries Potential Endangered Species Act Listing of River Herring (K. Taylor) Possible Action. Update on NEFMC Amendments 4/5 and MAFMC Amendment 14 (K. Taylor). Review of MAFMC Amendment 15 Scoping Document (K. Taylor) Action. Review and Consider Approval of American Shad and River Herring Sustainable Fishing Plans Action. Consider Fishery Management Plan Review and State Compliance (K. Taylor).
Board Agendas and Proceedings
Official records of discussions, decisions, and actions taken during meetings of the Commission’s management boards.
Draft Addendum II for Final Approval Final Action. Consider Draft Addendum III for Public Comment (T. Kerns) Action.
Overview of State Implementation of Addendum VI. Discussion of Federal Waters Tautog Harvest (T. Kerns). Report on Tautog Aging Workshop (K. Drew). Report on Tautog Assessment Scoping Workshop (P. Caruso).
Review Federal Rule-making Timeline and Development Progress of Additional Transferability Measures (B. Ross, T. Kerns). Consider Draft Addendum XIX for Public Comment (T. Kerns) Action. Discussion of Lobster Conservation Management Area 1 V-notch Definition. Technical Committee Report: Bottom Tending Gear Impacts on Lobster (J. Carloni). Fishery Management Plan Review (T. Kerns) Action. Review and Populate Lobster Advisory Panel Membership (T. Kerns) Action.
Review and Approve Comprehensive Spawning Regulations under Addendum V (T. Kerns) Final Action. Review Technical Committee Report (M. Cieri) — Nantucket Shoals Spawning Area White Paper. Update on New England Fishery Management Council Amendment 4 Court Ruling (T. Kerns). Discussion of ISFMP Policy Board Task to Review Flexibility and Delayed Implementation Under the Fishery Management Plan (T. Kerns).
The Summer Flounder, Scup and Black Sea Bass Management Board of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission convened in the Radisson Plaza-Warwick Hotel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 25, 2012, and was called to order at 1:00 o’clock p.m. by Chairman David Simpson.
The transcribed proceedings for the following Boards are unavailable due to technical difficulties. The following meeting summaries and motions will serve as an overview of the Boards’ discussions and actions.
The Atlantic Herring Section of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission convened in the Radisson Plaza-Warwick Hotel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 22, 2012, and was called to order at 8:00 o’clock a.m. by Chairman David Pierce.
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