Consider Extension and Revision to Episodic Event Set Aside Program (R. Ballou) Final Action; Consider Draft Addendum I for Public Comment (M. Waine) Action; Provide Guidance to the Technical Committee Regarding Stock Projections (R. Ballou); Review Stock Projection Methodology (J. McNamee); Biological Ecological Reference Points (BERP) Working Group Progress Report (S. Madsen); Consider Approval of 2016 FMP Review and State Compliance (M. Waine) Action
Board Agendas and Proceedings
Official records of discussions, decisions, and actions taken during meetings of the Commission’s management boards.
Discuss Timing of 2017 Stock Assessment for American Eel (M. Waine); Discussion to Consider Changes to Addendum IV Yellow Eel Allocations (J. Gilmore) Possible Action; Progress Report on North Carolina’s Approved Glass Eel Aquaculture Plan (M. Duval)
Timetable for American Shad and River Herring Stock Assessments (J. Kipp) Action; Report from the Data Standardization Collection Workshop (K. Rootes-Murdy); Update on Activities of the River Herring Technical Expert Work Group (K. Rootes-Murdy); Consider Approval of 2015 Shad and River Herring FMP Review and State Compliance (K. Rootes-Murdy) Action
Update on Adaptive Resource Management Framework Review (J. Lyons); Discuss Biomedical Data Confidentiality and Stock Assessment Planning (K. Anstead); Review of Alternative Bait Cost Comparison (K. Rootes-Murdy)
Discuss Next Steps for Management of the Southern New England American Lobster Stock Possible Action; Motion to begin a new addendum to address the declining lobster stock conditions in Southern New England/Mid-Atlantic (SNE/MA); Discuss Next Steps for Management of Gulf of Maine/Georges Bank American Lobster Stock (P. Keliher) Possible Action; Draft Addendum I to the Jonah Crab FMP for Final Approval Final Action; Discuss Need to Create a Coastwide Standard for Claw Landings in the Jonah Crab Fishery Possible Action; Update on New England Fishery Management Council Deep Sea Coral Habitat Amendment and ASMFC Survey to Area 3 Fishermen (M.…
The Atlantic Menhaden Management Board of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission convened in the Edison Ballroom of the Westin Hotel, Alexandria, Virginia, May 4, 2016, and was called to order at 8:00 o’clock a.m. by Chairman Robert Ballou.
The American Lobster Management Board of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission convened in the Edison Ballroom of the Westin Hotel, Alexandria, Virginia, February 2, 2016, and was called to order at 9:01 o’clock a.m. by Chairman Dave Borden.
Technical Committee Report on the Southern New England and Gulf of Maine Fishery Management Program Under Zero Possession Limits. Overview of Federal Management Measures. Review and Set 2016‐2018 Specifications.
The Tautog Management Board of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission convened in the Edison Ballroom of the Westin Hotel, Alexandria, Virginia, February 3, 2016, and was called to order at 4:30 o’clock p.m. by Chairman Adam Nowalsky.
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