The Atlantic Herring Section of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission convened in the Edison Ballroom of the Westin Hotel, Alexandria, Virginia, May 11, 2017, and was called to order at 1:00 o’clock p.m. by Chairman G. Ritchie White.
Board Agendas and Proceedings
Official records of discussions, decisions, and actions taken during meetings of the Commission’s management boards.
The South Atlantic State/Federal Fisheries Management Board of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission convened in the Edison Ballroom of the Westin Hotel, Alexandria, Virginia, May 11, 2017, and was called to order at 11:45 o’clock a.m. by Chairman Jim Estes.
The Shad and River Herring Management Board of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission convened in the Edison Ballroom of the Westin Hotel, Alexandria, Virginia, February 1, 2017, and was called to order at 10:00 o’clock a.m. by Chairman John Clark.
The Summer Flounder, Scup and Black Sea Bass Management Board of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission convened in the Edison Ballroom of the Westin Hotel, Alexandria, Virginia, February 2, 2017, and was called to order at 8:00 o’clock a.m. by Chairman Michael Luisi.
Public Comment Summary of the Draft Cobia Public Information Document (L. Daniel); Consider Management Response to 2016 Red Drum Stock Assessment (J. Estes); Progress Report on Spot and Atlantic Croaker Stock Benchmark Stock Assessments (J. Kipp); Consider 2016 Fishery Management Plan Review and State Compliance for Spot (M. Schmidtke) Action
Review Technical Committee report on Projected Fishing Mortality and Recommended Data Sets for Conservation Equivalency Proposals; Review and Consider Approval of 2018 Atlantic Striped Bass Benchmark Stock Assessment Terms of Reference (K. Drew) Action; Review and Populate the Atlantic Striped Bass Stock Assessment Subcommittee Membership (M. Appelman) Action
Summer Flounder Draft Addendum XXVIII for Final Approval (K. Rootes-Murdy) Final Action; Update on 2015 Black Sea Bass Commercial Landings and 2017 Harvest Specifications (K. Rootes-Murdy); Consider Scup Draft Addendum XXIX for Public Comment Action; Set 2017 Scup Recreational Fishery Specifications (K. Rootes-Murdy) Final Action
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