Fisheries Management
The Interstate Fisheries Management Program (ISFMP) serves as the core of decision-making, where species management boards establish regulations to conserve fishery resources, supported by an active participation framework. The ISFMP Policy Board oversees this, monitoring stock performance and policy implementation with representation from all member states and several federal agencies.
Amendment 3 is approved in order to meet the goal of the original 1981 Striped Bass Management Plan, which is to maintain a spawning stock, minimize the possibility of recruitment failure and to insure rebuilding of the severely depleted Chesapeake spawning stock.
The purpose of this fishery management plan is to manage the red drum fishery in the territorial sea of the Atlantic Ocean from Maryland to Florida. The goal of the plan is to perpetuate the red drum resource in fishable abundance throughout its range and generate the greatest possible economic and social benefits from its harvest and utilization over time.
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