Technical Committee Reports and Summaries
Detailed analyses and recommendations from technical committees, including working groups, sub-committees, plan development teams, and plan review teams, on specific scientific and management issues related to fisheries.
Review Board Task on Biomedical Mortality Threshold and Best Management Practices, Discussion on Methods for Biologically Based Biomedical Threshold, and Discussion on BMPs for Biomedical Crabs
The Cobia Technical Committee (TC) met via webinar on March 23, 2022 to discuss the quota block timeframe for cobia and to discuss future specification development and the timeline for the next cobia stock assessment.
This memorandum summarizes the Striped Bass Technical Committee’s (TC) analysis and discussion for the Draft Amendment 7 year class task based on TC meetings from June through December 2021. Detailed projection methods and figures for the ocean-only change scenarios (developed September 2021) and Chesapeake Bay/ocean change scenarios (developed December 2021) are enclosed at the end of this memo.
The PDT has developed draft management options to be considered for public comment, which include options that would modify the minimum and maximum gauge sizes of Lobster Conservation and Management Areas (LCMAs) within the stock.
The Atlantic Menhaden Technical Committee (TC) met via webinar to discuss the timeline and data needs for the 2022 Stock Assessment Update to the 2020 single-species benchmark.
Amendment 3 to the Shad and River Herring FMP requires all states and jurisdictions to submit a habitat plan for American shad.
The Summer Flounder, Scup, Black Sea Bass Technical Committee (TC) met via conference call on Monday, October 25, 2021 to receive a presentation on two statistical recreational harvest and catch projection models, discuss general approaches for developing 2022 recreational measures, and review updates on the Harvest Control Rule Addendum/Framework.
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