Technical Committee Reports and Summaries
Detailed analyses and recommendations from technical committees, including working groups, sub-committees, plan development teams, and plan review teams, on specific scientific and management issues related to fisheries.
The ASMFC Tautog Technical Committee met to consider state reduction proposals to achieve a fishing mortality rate of 0.20 as required in Addendum IV, consider state specific assessments, and elect a Vice-Chair.
The Technical Committee (TC) met for two days with the following objectives: review state implementation plans for Addendum II; develop Board advice on Draft Addendum III; review Florida’s methodology to partition weakfish catch into weakfish, sand seatrout, and hybrids; develop a set of stock measures to track management progress; discuss state trends, assessment methodologies, and sampling requirements; and begin planning for the next weakfish stock assessment. The Committee’s last meeting was June 22-23, 2006.
Objective: To review two proposals from Maryland Department of Natural Resources. For a proposal on 2007 spring season regulations, the TC was charged by the Management Board to generate a consensus opinion as to whether the regulations were capable of restricting the harvest of migrant fish to below the Board-approved target of 30,000 fish. For a proposal to change regulations in the Susquehanna Flats, the TC was requested to provide technical advice for the Management Board at its next meeting.
The Tautog Technical Committee held a conference call this morning to discuss state reduction proposals required in Addendum IV to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Tautog. The Addendum requires states to submit proposals to achieve a fishing mortality rate F = 0.20 (28.6% reduction), by April 6, 2007.
The main agenda items for the Technical Committee (TC) meeting were: 1) reviewing Maryland’s estimate of the 2006 spring trophy fishery harvest (p.2) and a proposal to eliminate the quota for the spring trophy fishery (p.3); 2) reviewing a proposal from North Carolina to increase the AS/RR TAC by 50,000 pounds (p.5); 3) receiving a progress update from the Tagging Subcommittee (p.7); 4) receiving a progress update from the Stock Assessment Subcommittee (p.11); 5) and approving the Terms of Reference and timeline for the 2007 benchmark stock assessment (p.13).
The Atlantic Croaker Technical Committee met on August 29, 2006 in Raleigh, NC. The major items on the agenda for the TC to address were: 1) review data and analyses required for assessing the triggers in Amendment 1; 2) determine which material would be presented to the South Atlantic Board at the Annual meeting, scheduled for late October 2006; and 3) determine future work for improving the triggers.
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