At its November 28, 2023 meeting, the American Eel Plan Development Team (PDT) discussed the mandatory American eel harvester trip level catch and effort monitoring program required under Addendum I. Specifically, the PDT is considering whether or not to include options in the current draft addendum related to discontinuing this requirement. This memo requests the American Eel TC review the fishery-dependent catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) harvester level reporting requirement in Addendum I, discuss state data collection programs, and provide a recommendation to the PDT regarding continuing this requirement.
Technical Committee Reports and Summaries
Detailed analyses and recommendations from technical committees, including working groups, sub-committees, plan development teams, and plan review teams, on specific scientific and management issues related to fisheries.
This memo describes the 2024 harvest recommendation for Delaware Bay region horseshoe crabs using the methods from the Adaptive Resource Management, or ARM Framework (ASMFC 2022a).
This memorandum highlights three areas for the Board’s deliberations on the draft addendum: 1) the range of reductions in the Chesapeake Bay recreational fishery options, 2) the notion of patron regulations in the for-hire mode split options, and 3) the mechanism for providing the gill net exemption. Lastly, the PDT has provided the Board with probability tables of being at the target F in 2024 under the draft addendum options and being at or above the SSB target in 2029 under the draft addendum options.
2023 American Lobster Data Update and Addendum XXVII Trigger Index Update
Overall, indicators show mixed signs of stability and declines since the assessment.
The TC met via conference call on September 29, 2023 to receive an update on the 2024 River Herring Benchmark Stock Assessment and provide feedback for the habitat model to be used in the assessment. Additionally, the TC met to review planned changes to Maryland’s fishery dependent and independent surveys.
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