An annual Data Update process between American lobster stock assessments was recommended during the 2020 stock assessment to more closely monitor changes in stock abundance. The objective of this process is to present information—including any potentially concerning trends—that could support additional research or consideration of changes to management.
Technical Committee Reports and Summaries
Detailed analyses and recommendations from technical committees, including working groups, sub-committees, plan development teams, and plan review teams, on specific scientific and management issues related to fisheries.
The Cobia Technical Committee (TC) met via webinar on September 13 and September 25, 2024 to discuss the Addendum II confidence interval approach as tasked by the Board in August 2024. The Board asked for TC discussion on the potential application of the confidence interval approach to the regional allocation framework, and to consider other confidence interval levels in addition to the 95% confidence intervals specified in Addendum II.
The 2023 Black Drum Benchmark Stock Assessment determined the Atlantic coast stock was not overfished nor experiencing overfishing in the terminal year of the assessment (2020). However, the assessment acknowledged lack of contrast in black drum data sets coupled with high uncertainty in model-based estimates. To this end, the Black Drum Technical Committee (TC) recommended close monitoring of empirical stock indicators annually between stock assessments to identify any concerning trends in a timely manner.
The TC met via webinar on September 23, 2024, to review updates to the Sustainable Fishery Management Plans (SFMPs) for river herring from New Hampshire and Maine, as well as updates to the SFMPs for American shad from Massachusetts and Connecticut. The Maine and New Hampshire updates also included proposals to change and reopen their fisheries, respectively.
This memo describes the 2025 harvest recommendation for Delaware Bay Region horseshoe crabs using the methods from the Adaptive Resource Management (ARM) Framework (ASMFC 2022a).
The Striped Bass Technical Committee (TC) and Stock Assessment Subcommittee met jointly to discuss the 2024 stock assessment update and associated Board tasks regarding measures to achieve stock rebuilding, no targeting closures, recreational release mortality, and evaluating additional methods to support future size-bag-season analyses.
The purpose of this report is to evaluate the current status of Atlantic croaker using the annual Traffic Light Analysis (TLA). Annually, the Technical Committee (TC) conducts a TLA to evaluate a Mid-Atlantic and a South Atlantic harvest metric, combining commercial and recreational landings in the region.
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