Fishery Management Plans
Comprehensive plans detailing the strategies and regulations for managing specific fishery resources, aimed at ensuring their sustainability and productivity.
Addendum XXXI, and the complementary framework action developed by the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council), modify both bodies’ Fishery Management Plans (FMPs) to allow the use of conservation equivalency for black sea bass recreational management. Both documents also include recommendations to NOAA Fisheries to implement transit provisions in the Exclusive Economic Zone in Block Island Sound.
Addendum XXXII establishes a new process for establishing management measures for state recreational summer flounder and black sea bass fisheries for the 2019 fishing year and beyond.
The Section initiated Addendum I to consider providing states the authority to allocate their state-specific quota between gear types. Amendment 3 specifies that, in jurisdictions with historical trawl and trap fisheries, a state’s quota must be divided such that 87% is allocated to the trawl fishery and 13% is allocated to the trap fishery. This addendum changes this regulation by transferring the authority to states to annually determine the split of northern shrimp quota between gear types, rather than having the split be specified in the management plan.
This Addendum allows the Board to streamline the process of state implementation of federal shark regulations so that complementary measures are seamlessly and concurrently implemented at the state and federal level whenever possible.
Addendum I allows Maryland to reopen their commercial black drum fishery in the Chesapeake Bay.
Addendum XXX establishes management of the recreational black sea bass fishery for the 2018 fishing year and beyond. The management unit for black sea bass in US waters is the western Atlantic Ocean from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina northward to the US-Canadian border.
This Addendum addresses these issues by improving the resolution and quality of data collected in the lobster and Jonah crab fisheries. The goals of this addendum are to: 1) utilize the latest technology to improve reporting; 2) collect greater effort data; 3) increase the spatial resolution of harvester reporting; and 4) advance the collection of biological data offshore.
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