Technical Addendum #1 eradicates the vessel upgrade provision for Area 5 as required under Addendum III to Amendment 3 to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for American Lobster.
Fishery Management Plans
Comprehensive plans detailing the strategies and regulations for managing specific fishery resources, aimed at ensuring their sustainability and productivity.
The Council adopted new definitions of optimum yield and overfishing for red drum in 1998. Optimum yield was now defined as 40% static spawning potential ratio (SPR), an overfishing definition of less than 30% SPR, and a threshold overfishing level of 10% SPR. In 1999, the Council recommended that management authority for red drum be transferred to the states, through the Commission’s Interstate Fishery Management Program (ISFMP) process. This document represents the first draft of Amendment 2 to the Commission’s Red Drum FMP.
Addendum III seeks to address these four issues as well as include updated information pertaining to tautog habitat and data collection requirements under the Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistics and Tagging Programs. The management measures herein, if adopted by the states, will apply within state waters. The Commission will recommend that the Secretary of Commerce implement the management measures adopted in Addendum III in federal waters.
This addendum creates state-specific shares of the summer period quota that will remain in place until the Management Board takes direct action to modify them.
In summary, the function of this Addendum is to: 1) Establish possession limits for quarters 2, 3 and 4 of the 2002 fishing season. See Table 4 for a summary of the 2002 fishing season possession limits, triggers and adjusted possession limits by quarter. 2) Institute a system by which the Management Board can set initial possession limits, triggers, and adjusted possession limits for the black sea bass fishery during the annual specification setting process.
Addendum II was developed in conjunction with the Council’s Framework Adjustment 1, which allocates the Management Area 1A Total Allowable Catch (TAC) on a seasonal basis. Addendum II also specifies the procedures to be followed for Internal Waters Processing (IWP) requests and recommendations to the states
The management measures adopted by the states, to comply with the Commission’s management plan, will apply within state waters. The Commission will recommend that the Secretary of Commerce implement the management measures adopted in Addendum III in federal waters.
Technical Addendum #1a is focused solely on the change in the delineation of the Eastern Maine spawning boundary contained in Addendum I and the subsequent problems that arose.
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