Addendum IV was initiated by the Lobster Management Board in June of 2003 to address four different issues: a proposal from the Area 3 LCMT; concern about stock conditions in Area 2; new information about vent selectivity; and a desire to change the interpretation of the most restrictive rule.
Fishery Management Plans
Comprehensive plans detailing the strategies and regulations for managing specific fishery resources, aimed at ensuring their sustainability and productivity.
This Technical Addendum is to correct a typographical error in the text of Amendment 4 with regard to fishing mortality reduction.
The purpose of this Addendum, which is proposed by the states under Amendment 12, is to establish recreational fishing specifications for scup in 2003. Its provisions have no application beyond 2003.
This is a report of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission pursuant to U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Award No. NA03NMF4740078.
This Amendment includes revised reference points and reference periods that will lead the states to new fishery management measures.
The Shad and River Herring Management Board approved Technical Addendum #1 in February of 2000. Technical Addendum #1 modified several technical errors and provided clarification of several monitoring requirements in Tables 2 and 3 of Amendment I. The proposed changes in Addendum I supersedes the requirements described in Technical Addendum #1.
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