This draft addendum presents the background on the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC) management of spiny dogfish, the addendum process and anticipated timeline, and a statement of the problem. This document also provides for public consideration and comment on the options presented.
Fishery Management Plans
Comprehensive plans detailing the strategies and regulations for managing specific fishery resources, aimed at ensuring their sustainability and productivity.
The purpose of managing Atlantic croaker stocks is to ensure that the Atlantic croaker resource can be utilized throughout its range by current and future generations of the fishing and non-fishing public.
The purpose of this management plan is to establish a multi-state effort control program for Lobster Conservation Management Area 2 that governs traps fished in state and federal waters to cap effort (traps fished) at recent levels and allows adjustments in traps based on future stock conditions.
Addendum II was initiated by the Atlantic Menhaden Management Board in February 2005 to address two issues: a cap on the Atlantic menhaden harvest and a research program for Atlantic menhaden in Chesapeake Bay.
This Addendum establishes a program wherein the Board has the ability to sub-divide the recreational summer flounder coastwide allocations into voluntary regions. The Addendum also allows for averaging of multiple years of data in analyses to determine impacts of proposed recreational management programs.
The addendum is intended to provide a species-specific mechanism of ensuring that a state meet its obligations under the plan in a way that minimizes the probability that a state’s delay in complying does not adversely affect other states’ fisheries or conservation of the resource. These measures are deemed critical for the long term conservation of the species. This Addendum does not propose to modify the existing compliance review and sanction process that is described in the ASMFC guidance documents and the ACFCMA. This Addendum also does not propose to modify the existing conservation equivalency procedures for summer flounder, scup,…
Addendum II includes documentation supporting exemption requests for the purposes of 1) importation of non-indigenous Atlantic sturgeon and 2) the development of a private aquaculture facility.
The Management Board has directed the jurisdictions with Area 2 permit holders to work with the Area 2 LCMT to modify components of the effort control plan so that all jurisdictions are capable of implementing and a plan that will not allow effort to increase if and when the resource recovers in Area 2.
This Addendum establishes an allocation program for the increase in commercial total allowable landings in the summer flounder fishery for 2005 and 2006 only.
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