The Board approved the current Addendum to address the needs of the migratory shorebirds, particularly the red knot, while allowing a limited commercial bait fishery. The Addendum is designed to maximize egg availability to migratory shorebirds in the Delaware Bay by prohibiting harvest of horseshoe crab prior to and during the peak spawning season for the crabs as well as the peak feeding period for shorebirds.
Fishery Management Plans
Comprehensive plans detailing the strategies and regulations for managing specific fishery resources, aimed at ensuring their sustainability and productivity.
The purpose of this addendum document is to establishing new biological reference points based on recommendations from the 2006 stock assessment. The document also establishes a consistent coastwide monitoring and reporting criteria for the lobster fishery. Peer review reports have identified insufficient data as the primary limitation on the ability to manage the fishery.
This is a report of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission pursuant to U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Award No. NA05NMF4741025.
This addendum seeks to stabilize fishing rules as close to those that existed in 2005, in part, to minimize the drastic reductions facing three states. The approach taken is to allow the three states facing large reductions in their harvest targets to capitalize on harvest opportunities that are foregone by states that choose to maintain their 2005 recreational fishing rules in 2006. In this sense, it is a voluntary program.
This Addendum addresses two issues; a cap on the Atlantic menhaden harvest for reduction purposes in the Chesapeake Bay and a research program for Atlantic menhaden in the Chesapeake Bay.
This Addendum replaces the biological sampling program in Section 3.0 of Amendment 4.
This amendment revises the biological reference points that the ASMFC applies to both inshore winter flounder stocks and contains management measures designed to achieve the goals and objectives of this amendment.
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