Fishery Management Plans

Comprehensive plans detailing the strategies and regulations for managing specific fishery resources, aimed at ensuring their sustainability and productivity.

  • This addendum establishes a rebuilding time frame for Southern New England (SNE) lobster stock. It sets management measures for Lobster Conservation Management Areas 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 that should aid in the rebuilding of the SNE lobster stock. The addendum also creates a species-specific mechanism of ensuring that a state meets its obligations under the plan in a way that minimizes the probability that a state’s delay in complying does not adversely affect other states’ fisheries or conservation of the resource.

  • Addendum IV establishes spawning stock biomass target and threshold reference points allowing the ASMFC to determine whether or not the stock is overfished.1 This Addendum also establishes a new rebuilding fishing mortality rate of F = 0.20 to initiate rebuilding to the spawning stock biomass threshold and target levels.

  • This Addendum provides exemptions to allow LaPaz to import Atlantic sturgeon from Supreme Sturgeon and Caviar of Penfield, New Brunswick, for commercial aquaculture production and sale in North Carolina. It also gives the Atlantic Sturgeon Management Board the ability to modify the details of the exemption in this Addendum and Addendum II through a Board vote.

  • Addendum III was initiated in response to a proposal submitted by the Commonwealth of Virginia that essentially mirrors the intent and provisions of Addendum II but incorporates 2005 landings data and allows for the transfer of under-harvest to the following year’s harvest.

  • This management plan establishes a multi-state effort control program for Lobster Conservation Management Area (LCMA) 2. The plan governs traps fished in state and federal waters to cap effort (traps fished) at recent levels and allows adjustments in traps based on future stock conditions. The plan limits participation to permit holders who have been active in the fishery in recent years, creates permit-holder specific trap limits that are unique and based on reported traps fished and landings.