This Addendum dissolves the Southern Region (NY – VA) allocation established in Addendum II and sets state shares for New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina. Northern Region states, from Maine through Connecticut will continue to share 58% of the annual quota.
Fishery Management Plans
Comprehensive plans detailing the strategies and regulations for managing specific fishery resources, aimed at ensuring their sustainability and productivity.
This Addendum is adopted under the adaptive management/framework procedures of Amendment 12 and Framework 2 that are a part of the Fishery Management Plan for summer flounder, scup, and black sea bass. The Addendum applies only to the black sea bass fishery management plan. The adaptive management possibilities authorized by Amendment 12 include recreational fishery measures. The black sea bass fishery is managed cooperatively by the states through the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission for state waters, and the federal government through the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council and the National Marine Fisheries Service for federal waters. The management unit for…
The purpose of this addendum is to modify the management area and biological reference points for Atlantic croaker, based on the updated 2010 stock assessment.
The purpose of this Addendum is to revise the definition of striped bass recruitment failure.
Addendum VI maintains a management program for the Delaware Bay Region (i.e., coastal and bay waters of New Jersey and Delaware, and coastal waters only of Maryland and Virginia) following the expiration of Addendum V after October 31, 2010.
The purpose of this addendum sets new reference points in each of the three lobster stocks. The addendum also changes procedures for adopting and implementing new reference points.
Amendment 3 addresses only management measures for American shad.
The purpose of this addendum is to respond to the results of the most recent weakfish stock assessment. The addendum revises the biological reference points and implements new or revised regulations to reduce the level of fishery removals.
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