The amendment covers all three species with management requirements being set by species. This document details how Maryland will implement Amendment requirements pertaining to Spanish mackerel.
Fishery Management Plans
Comprehensive plans detailing the strategies and regulations for managing specific fishery resources, aimed at ensuring their sustainability and productivity.
Addendum VII establishes a management program for the Delaware Bay Region (i.e., coastal and bay waters of New Jersey and Delaware, and coastal waters only of Maryland and Virginia).
This draft addendum proposes to address the biological sampling protocols for bluefish relative to data needs for the stock assessment.
This Addendum divides the recreational black sea bass coastwide allocations into state-by-state management for 2012 only.
The Board first initiated this Addendum to reduce exploitation on the SNE stock by 50 or 75% in order to initiate stock rebuilding. At the August 2011 Board meeting, the Board changed the document’s purpose to reduce exploitation by 10% with the following motion: Move to change the objective to reduce exploitation in the SNE stock by 10% in each LCMA to initiate rebuilding of the SNE stock and enable each jurisdiction to prepare their fishing industries for more substantive reductions in a subsequent addendum.
This addendum codifies the use of 15% maximum spawning potential (MSP) as an interim threshold reference point and 30% MSP as an interim target reference point to avoid overfishing and increase abundance and spawning stock biomass. It is the intention of the Board to move towards a multi-species approach for Atlantic menhaden reference points in the future, after additional work has been completed by the Multispecies Technical Committee.
Therefore, draft Amendment 2 is designed to provide flexible management options including a clarification of fishing mortality reference points, a timely and comprehensive reporting system, trip limits, trap limits, and days out of the fishery.
The Omnibus Amendment updates these FMPs with the Act and Charter requirements.
This Addendum sets the fishing mortality (F) rebuilding target (Ftarget) at 0.15. Based on the coastwide F from the 2011 Assessment Update, a 56% reduction in coastwide exploitation is necessary to achieve Ftarget.
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