Addendum VI is intended to compliment measures contained in the Council’s Framework Adjustment 2 to the Atlantic Herring Fishery Management Plan (FMP).
Fishery Management Plans
Comprehensive plans detailing the strategies and regulations for managing specific fishery resources, aimed at ensuring their sustainability and productivity.
This Addendum modifies some of the rules contained in Addenda XII and XIV, as well as establishes additional guidelines. Further modifications to the single and aggregate ownership caps for Area 3 will be considered under Draft Addendum XXII.
The FMP will address management measures for black drum. Black drum management authority lies with the coastal states and is coordinated through the Commission. Responsibility for compatible management action in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) from 3-200 miles from shore lies with the Secretary of Commerce through the ACFCMA in the absence of a federal fishery management plan.
This Addendum modifies the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC) Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic Coastal Sharks (FMP) to establish state shares for smoothhound sharks (smooth dogfish) and modify the existing at-sea processing regulations for smoothhound sharks.
In August 2012, the Winter Flounder Management Board initiated the development of an addendum to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for winter flounder to consider changing commercial trip limits and recreational measures through a an annual specification process for the Gulf of Maine and Southern New England/Mid-Atlantic winter flounder fisheries.
Amendment 2 to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic Menhaden was approved in December 2012. Amendment 2 enables the Atlantic Menhaden Management Board to set aside 1% of the overall total allowable catch (TAC) for episodic events (Section Episodic events are times and areas where Atlantic menhaden are available in more abundance than they normally occur. The set aside is designed to enable increased harvest of Atlantic menhaden during episodic events.
The Lobster Board initiated Draft Addendum XX at the November 2012 meeting with the following motion: Move to initiate the development of an addendum that would include measures outlined in the agreement between the offshore lobster fishery and sector trawl fishermen for bottom-sharing in Closed Area 2 in order to protect large concentrations of egg-bearing females and prevent gear conflicts. Limited changes to the agreement by the industry could be made through board action. This addendum establishes a bottom-sharing in Closed Area 2.
This Addendum establishes regional management for the 2013 recreational black sea bass fishery.
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