The Law Enforcement Committee (LEC) of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) first prepared the Guidelines for Resource Managers on the Enforceability of Fishery Management Measures (Guidelines) in 2000. The core of the new Guidelines is an enforceability matrix for fishery management measures.
Management Guiding Documents
Key documents that outline the foundational principles, strategic goals, and policies guiding the Commission’s management and conservation efforts.
The purpose of this document is to provide policy and technical guidance on the application of conservation equivalency in interstate fisheries management programs developed by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. The document provides specific guidance on development, submission, review and approval of conservation equivalency proposals.
This document outlines the standard operating procedures and policies of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Interstate Fisheries Management Program. It was first developed in response to passage of the Atlantic Coastal Fisheries Cooperative Management Act of 1993. Revised August 2019
The purpose of this document is to improve the functioning of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission by providing guidance to all Commission technical support groups on the structure, function, roles, and responsibilities of Commission committees and their members. This document also provides guidance on the Commission stock assessment process.
Granting the consent and approval of Congress to an interstate compact relating to the better utilization of the fisheries (marine, shell and anadromous) of the Atlantic seaboard and creating the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. Revised February 2016
The intent of the appeals process is to provide a state with the opportunity to have a decision made by a species management board or section reconsidered by the Policy Board. The following criteria will be used to guide what type of decisions can be appealed.
A Guide to the Commission’s Advisory Panel Process
This form is designed to help nominate Advisors to the Commission’s Species Advisory Panels. The information on the returned form will be provided to the Commission’s relevant species management board or section.
This act was approved by Congress in December 1993, and it provided the Commission with responsibilities to ensure member state compliance with interstate fishery management plans.
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