Business & Policy Board Agendas and Proceedings
Official records of discussions, decisions, and actions taken during meetings of the Commission’s management boards.
Draft 2014-12018 Strategic Plan for Public Comment (R. Beal)
Consider Black Drum Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Final Approval (L. Daniel) Final Action
Discuss the Proposed Rule for the Domestic Elements of the Shark Conservation Act (K. Denit). Discuss Concerns with the Implementation of the Marine Recreational Informational Program (L. Daniel). Consider Revisions to the ISFMP Charter Based on the Approved Technical Guidance Document (T. Kerns) Action. Discuss Whelk/Conch Management (T. Kerns). Review and Consider the Recommendation from the Artificial Reef Committee to Send a Letter to the U. S. Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration (T. Kerns) Action.
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