Discuss Request from South Atlantic Fishery Management Council to Consider a Cobia Interstate Fishery Management Plan (G. Waugh) Possible Action; Discuss Recommended Changes to the Conservation Equivalency Guidance Document (T. Kerns); Joint Management and Science and Assessment Science Committee Reports (S. Madsen) Action; Review and Approve the Stock Assessment Schedule; Discuss Next Steps for Commission Action in Response to the Climate Change Workshop (D. Grout); Update on the Sturgeon Stock Assessment (K. Drew)
Business & Policy Board Agendas and Proceedings
Official records of discussions, decisions, and actions taken during meetings of the Commission’s management boards.
NOAA Fisheries Climate Science Strategy Northeast Regional Action Plan
US Climate Resilience Toolkit Northeast Fish and Shellfish Climate Vulnerability Assessment
Report of the Administrative Oversight Committee (J. Gilmore) Action; Discuss Black Sea Bass Management in Maine; Discuss Priorities for Saltonstall/Kennedy Research; Discuss Plan Development Team Membership; Discuss Conservation Equivalency; Discuss Offshore Monuments Proposal and Potential Commission Response
Consider Final Approval of Amendment 3 to the Atlantic Herring FMP (R. White) Final Action; Consider Amending the Commission’s Rules and Regulations (R. Beal) Action
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