Business & Policy Board Agendas and Proceedings
Official records of discussions, decisions, and actions taken during meetings of the Commission’s management boards.
Update from the State Director’s Meeting and Executive Committee (D. Grout); Review and Consider New Jersey Appeal of Addendum XXVIII to the Summer Flounder Fishery Management Plan Final Action; Discuss the Secretary of Commerce Decision Regarding New Jersey Summer Flounder Recreational Measures; Review of the Annual Performance of the Stocks (T. Kerns); Discuss New England Fishery Management Council Participation on the Atlantic Herring Section(T. Kerns) Possible Action; Review and Consider Approval of Standard Meeting Practices (T. Kerns) Action; Progress Update on the 2017 Atlantic Sturgeon Benchmark Stock Assessment (K. Drew); Review and Consider Approval of the Assessment Schedule (S. Madsen)…
Discuss Council/Commission Line in NOAA Budget; Discuss the Secretary of Commerce Decision Regarding New Jersey Summer Flounder Recreational Measures
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