This memorandum summarizes the topics and discussions during the Shad and River Herring Advisory Panel (AP) call on Wednesday, September 27th 2017 at 9:00 am. The meeting took place via conference call and webinar and provided the AP to review and discuss several items including the recent 2017 stock assessment update for river herring, NOAA’s status review for river herring to consider ESA listing, continued state efforts in alosine monitoring and restoration, and updated sustainable fishery management plans (SFMPs) that will be reviewed by the Board at the annual meeting.
Advisory Panel Agendas and Summaries
Summaries of input and recommendations from advisory panels consisting of stakeholders, including fishermen, industry representatives, and conservationists.
Review 2017 ARM Model Run; Alternative ARM Model Runs Incorporating Biomedical Mortality; and 2018 Stock Assessment Procedures.
The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Tautog Advisory Panel (AP) met via conference call on June 30, 2017 to discuss the management alternatives in Draft Amendment 1. The following summarizes the comments made by AP members on the call. Due to low attendance the comments made are not representative of the entire Advisory Panel, rather they are individual comments (5 out of 12 AP members were on the call). There was discussion about re-populating the Tautog Advisory Panel.
The Coastal Sharks Advisory Panel met via conference call on April 7, 2017 to discuss the final rule for Amendment 5b to the (federal) Highly Migratory Species Fishery Management Plan. New management measures are in response to a 2016 dusky shark stock assessment update that determined dusky sharks are overfished and experiencing overfishing.
The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Atlantic Herring Advisory Panel (AP) met via conference call on April 10, 2017 to discuss the management alternatives in Draft Addendum I.
The American Lobster Advisory Panel (AP) met via conference call on April 11, 2017 to review the comments given at the Draft Addendum XXV public hearings and provide AP recommendations to the Board. Each AP member was given the opportunity to comment on the issues in the addendum and provide general comments about lobster management. The following is a summary of the discussion had by the AP and their preferred management alternatives.
The Atlantic Menhaden Advisory Panel (AP) met via conference call on January 9, 2017 to review comments made on the Amendment 3 Public Information Document (PID).
The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC or Commission) Northern Shrimp Section (section) and Advisory Panel (AP) met separately to review the 2016 Stock Status Report for Gulf of Maine (GOM) Northern Shrimp and set specifications for the 2017 fishing season.
The Atlantic Menhaden Advisory Panel (AP) met via conference call on September 30th to review a draft of the Public Information Document (PID) for Amendment 3.
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