The ASMFC and NEFMC Herring Advisory Panels (APs) met jointly on October 26, 2005 to: 1) review ASMFC Draft Amendment 2 and develop AP recommendations for Section consideration regarding the selection of final management measures for Amendment 2; 2) review the NEFMC Draft Amendment 1/DSEIS document and public hearing document and develop AP recommendations for Committee/Council consideration regarding the selection of final management measures for Amendment 1; and 3) provide AP comments on the herring specifications proposed for the 2006 fishing year.
Advisory Panel Agendas and Summaries
Summaries of input and recommendations from advisory panels consisting of stakeholders, including fishermen, industry representatives, and conservationists.
The Atlantic Croaker Advisory Panel (AP) met on October 18, 2005 in Baltimore, MD. Gene Doebley, vice-chair of the AP ran the meeting in the absence of the Chair, Bill Windley. Nancy Wallace gave a presentation on Draft Amendment 1 to the Atlantic Croaker FMP for public comment. The AP members asked questions and then went through the Draft Amendment 1 to the Atlantic Croaker Fishery Management Plan. The following is a list of consensus statements from the AP members who attended the meeting. It should be noted that those in attendance were all recreational fishermen. There were no commercial…
Recommendations for Weakfish Management and Research
The Atlantic Striped Bass Advisory Panel met on Wednesday November 10, 2004 from 8 am to 12 pm at the Wentworth by the Sea in New Castle, NH. The following report summarizes the issues discussed during the AP’s meeting and summarizes the AP’s consensus statements. This report is not meant to reflect the complete discussion of the advisory panel, rather it serves as a meeting summary.
The Northern Shrimp Advisory Panel (AP) met on October 25, 2004, in Portland, Maine. It met to review the shrimp stock assessment and to develop a recommendation for the Northern Shrimp Section for the 2005 shrimp season.
The Shrimp Advisory Panel met at the Casco Bay Ferry Terminal in Portland, Maine, on September 28, 2004. The Panel met to discuss the 2004 fishing season, 2003 assessment, and recommendations made at the Sea Grant workshops held last spring.
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