The Winter Flounder Advisory Panel (AP) convened via phone conference on April 15, 2009, to review Draft Addendum I to Amendment 1 and make recommendations to the Winter Flounder Management Board (Board). Recommendations were given for Issues 1 through 4 as follows.
Advisory Panel Agendas and Summaries
Summaries of input and recommendations from advisory panels consisting of stakeholders, including fishermen, industry representatives, and conservationists.
The Atlantic Herring Advisory Panel (AP) convened via phone conference on January 30, 2009 to give recommendations to the Atlantic Herring Section (Section) for Draft Addendum I to Amendment 2 to the Interstate FMP for Atlantic Sea Herring.
The Winter Flounder Advisory Panel (AP) convened via phone conference to consider GARM III and the Multispecies Interim Action Proposed Rule (proposed rule) and make recommendations to the Winter Flounder Management Board (Board).
The Atlantic Herring Advisory Panel (AP) held a meeting in Portsmouth, New Hampshire on December 5, 2008. This meeting was in response to the Atlantic Herring Section tasking the AP to give recommendations for an addendum to achieve the goals of the following motion. Move to initiate an addendum (Addendum I) to include the following: • Monthly or bimonthly quotas with payback and carry over • Determination of landing and fishing days • No fishing prior to June 1 • Timely reporting of state registered landings • Restriction on harvest of juvenile fish
The Advisory Panel met on October 29, 2008, in Portland, Maine. The two main agenda items were (1) reviewing the previous fishing season and current assessment; and (2) discussion recommendations for shrimp management in the future.
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