This report responds to the Board’s request and summarizes the Horseshoe Crab AP’s discussions regarding the recommendations of the DBETC and the allocation process at the May 11, 2011 meeting.
Advisory Panel Agendas and Summaries
Summaries of input and recommendations from advisory panels consisting of stakeholders, including fishermen, industry representatives, and conservationists.
During the call the AP reviewed the CT conservation equivalency proposal and discussed the recent MD poaching incidents and NC discarding events.
The Advisory Panel met on October 21, 2010 in Portland, Maine. The two main agenda items were (1) reviewing the previous fishing season and current assessment; and (2) discussion recommendations for shrimp management in the future.
The Atlantic Striped Bass Advisory Panel (AP) met to elect new leadership, review the draft 2009 Fishery Management Plan (FMP) Review and the public comment received on Draft Addendum II to Amendment 6, and develop management advice.
The Advisory Panel met April 23rd to review recent landings and monitoring, the stock assessment, and the Adaptive Resource Management (ARM) Framework. The group also discussed North Carolina’s quota transfer request and other issues outside of the Delaware Bay region. Panel members in attendance represented harvesters (horseshoe crab and conch), processors, and biomedical companies.
The Striped Bass Advisory Panel (AP) met to review the summary results of the 2009 update stock assessment, review the public comment received on Draft Addendum II, and develop advice for the Management Board, due to take action on the draft addendum in November.
The Advisory Panel met on September 29th to review recent landings and research efforts, to comment on Draft Addendum IV, and to make recommendations to the Board.
The Coastal Sharks Advisory Panel (AP) convened via phone conference to review Draft Addendum I for public comment and provide recommendations to the Board.
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