Advisory Panel Agendas and Summaries
Summaries of input and recommendations from advisory panels consisting of stakeholders, including fishermen, industry representatives, and conservationists.
The Coastal Shark Advisory Panel (AP) had a conference call to review Draft Addendum II to the Coastal Sharks FMP. The call began with the background and purpose of Draft Addendum II. The various options in the Addendum were then outlined and the AP discussed each issue at length.
Input on Draft Addendum I
The Advisory Panel met on November 19, 2012 to make recommendation to the Board on the Draft Amendment 2 to the ISFMP for Atlantic Menhaden.
The Spiny Dogfish Advisory Panel (AP) met to review Draft Addendum IV to the Interstate Fisheries Management Plan for Spiny Dogfish for Public Comment (Addendum IV).
The Atlantic Herring Advisory Panel (AP) held a conference call on May 31, 2012 to elect a Chair and review Addendum V to the Interstate Fisheries Management Plan for Atlantic Herring for Public Comment (Addendum V).
The Advisory Panel (AP) met on May 17, 2012 in Yarmouth, ME. The two main agenda items were (1) review the advisory panel membership; and (2) discuss next steps for northern shrimp management.
The Advisory Panel met via conference call on April 23, 2012 to make recommendation to the Board on the Public Information Document for draft Amendment 2 the ISFMP for Atlantic Menhaden.
The Atlantic Herring Advisory Panel (AP) held a conference call to review New England Fishery Management Council (NEMFC) Draft Amendment 5 to the Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic Herring (Amendment 5). The Atlantic Herring Section (Section) asked the AP to provide feedback on Draft Amendment 5, which they will consider when developing written comments to the NEFMC on the document.
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