Management Measures and Pending Actions
A list of proposed regulatory changes or management actions currently under consideration by the Commission.
Multi-Year Specifications for Male-only Harvest in the Delaware Bay Region
Draft Document for Public Comment
Recreational Measures Setting Process for Summer Flounder, Scup, Black Sea Bass, and Bluefish
As of November 18, 2024, the total reported commercial landings of Atlantic cobia in 2024 from non-de minimis states (New York, PRFC, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina) meets the commercial trigger level.
Commercial Management – Atlantic Sturgeon Bycatch
This draft document was developed for Board review and discussion at the October 2024 meeting week. This document is not intended to solicit public comment as part of the Commission/State formal public input process. However, comments on this draft document may be given at the appropriate time on the agenda during the scheduled meeting. Also, if approved, a public comment period will be established to solicit input on the issues contained in the document.
The Cobia Technical Committee (TC) met via webinar on September 13 and September 25, 2024 to discuss methods for calculating recreational management measures for the Northern Region to meet its harvest target. This memorandum outlines those methods and resulting management options for the Northern Region for implementation in 2025.
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