Law Enforcement Committee
Offering insights into discussions, strategies, and decisions made by the Law Enforcement Committee, highlighting efforts to enhance enforcement of fisheries regulations and improve compliance across jurisdictions.
Discussion of Shark Fin Possession Regulations and Statutes. Report on ASMFC Species Board — Atlantic Herring, Winter Flounder, and American Eel. Discuss Disposition of Seized Atlantic Striped Bass. Review and Discussion of States’ Use of VMS Data. Update on Cancer/Jonah Crab Fishery and Management Options. Report on ASMFC Species Board Actions: American Lobster, Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass. Discussion of American Lobster Trap-Tag Transferability. Discussion of New or Emerging Enforcement Issues for ASMFC Species. Review and Discussion of ASMFC 2015 Action Plan Tasks for LEC
Review of Law Enforcement Committee Guidelines for Enforceability. Association of Fish and Wildlife Association (AFWA) and Conservation Chief’s Association Update. Follow-up Discussion of American Eel Addendum IV. Wildlife Violator’s Compact. Presentation on Maine’s New Dealer/Harvester Swipe Card System.
The Law Enforcement Committee summarized the current regulations and enforcement efforts relating to the illegal harvest of glass eels (elvers) during a teleconference meeting.
At the winter 2014 meeting of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC), the Horseshoe Crab Management Board asked the Law Enforcement Committee (LEC) to summarize recent enforcement activities and issues relative to illegal harvest of horseshoe crabs (HSC). The LEC met via teleconference to address this issue.
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