The Law Enforcement Committee reviewed the North Carolina Aquaculture Plan for American Eel, submitted under Addendum IV to the ASMFC Interstate Fishery Management Plan.
Law Enforcement Committee
Offering insights into discussions, strategies, and decisions made by the Law Enforcement Committee, highlighting efforts to enhance enforcement of fisheries regulations and improve compliance across jurisdictions.
The Law Enforcement Committee met via teleconference to review and provide comments on proposed management measures in Federal Amendment 5b to the Consolidated Atlantic Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Fishery Management Plan.
The Law Enforcement Committee met via conference call provide input and advice regarding electronic tracking and reporting, and interstate movement and sale of American Lobster.
Review and Update of Regional Tautog Management Options; Review 2017 Action Plan Items; Report on Atlantic Herring Addendum I Final Action; Discuss Storm Preparedness, Training and Equipment; Discuss New or Emerging ASMFC Species Management Issues; Review and Discuss American Lobster Management Issues
The Law Enforcement Committee reviewed management options contained in American lobster Draft Addendum XXV during a teleconference meeting.
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