Recapping the Habitat Committee meetings in New Castle, New Hampshire
Habitat Committee
An overview of discussions, decisions, and recommendations made during meetings, focusing on habitat conservation, restoration, and management strategies that support sustainable fisheries along the Atlantic coast.
ACFHP Update (L. Havel); Northeast Regional Habitat Assessment Data Discussion (J. Coakley, M. Bachman)
National Fish Habitat Plan Update (L. Havel): American Fisheries Society Film Festival, Waters to Watch, and Fish Habitat Act Status; National Fish Habitat Action Plan Funding Update (J. Devers); Whitewater to Bluewater Update (J. Thomas-Blate); Merrimack River Watershed Council Update (J. Macone)
In 2010, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission published Living Shorelines: Impacts of Erosion Control Strategies on Coastal Habitats (Thomas- Blate 2010). This factsheet highlights the growing body of literature and lessons learned since the original publication. This is not an exhaustive list, but rather features selected case studies, websites, and references in support of the application of best practices moving forward.
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