Finalize 2023-2024 Action Plan (S. Kaalstad); FY25 ACFHP Funding (S. Kaalstad); Request for Proposals Development; National Fish Habitat Partnership and America’s Conservation Enhancement (ACE) Act Alignment
Habitat Committee
An overview of discussions, decisions, and recommendations made during meetings, focusing on habitat conservation, restoration, and management strategies that support sustainable fisheries along the Atlantic coast.
The ASMFC Habitat Committee met on October 18–19, 2023, in Beaufort, NC, to discuss key initiatives and updates.
Every five years the ACFHP Steering Committee and partners re-evaluate and update their Conservation Strategic Plan (CSP), focused on broad coastwide strategies for determining and addressing the threats affecting habitats important for all life stages of Atlantic diadromous, estuarine-dependent, and coastal species.
The Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership (ACFHP) 2023 – 2024 Action Plan is a subset of the 2022 – 2026 ACFHP Conservation Strategic Plan. It contains a subset of objectives, strategies, and related actions that can be accomplished over the course of a two-year period.
This habitat conservation plan highlights the needs, opportunities, and challenges to restore river herring habitat and the populations they support throughout their U.S. Atlantic coast range.
Recapping the Habitat Committee meetings in Long Branch, New Jersey
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