Populated with text from the Omnibus Amendment to the ISFMP for Spanish Mackerel, Spot, and Spotted Seatrout (ASFMC 2012)
Habitat Committee
An overview of discussions, decisions, and recommendations made during meetings, focusing on habitat conservation, restoration, and management strategies that support sustainable fisheries along the Atlantic coast.
Populated with text from the Omnibus Amendment to the ISFMP for Spanish Mackerel, Spot, and Spotted Seatrout (ASFMC 2012)
Fishery Management Plans seeking to restore populations must recognize the need to reconnect fish with such habitat by getting the runs past stream barriers. This document summarizes the evaluation by the Fish Passage Working Group of available technologies to accomplish effective passage.
Habitat Management Series #10 — Wave action, shoreline erosion, and the mixing of saline and fresh waters are a few of the physical processes in estuaries and coastal zones that help create and maintain diverse habitat for resident and transient marine species.
One of the primary tasks of the Habitat Program is to develop habitat source documents on topics of immediate and broad interest to ASMFC Commissioners that will provide needed information to the states. In this case, Commissioners requested detailed information on the habitat use, threats to habitat, and habitat research needs for all life stages of the ASMFC-managed diadromous species.
Listing of presentations for the workshop
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