Recapping the Habitat Committee’s second in‐person meeting of the year at the Commission’s 74th Annual Meeting.
Habitat Committee
An overview of discussions, decisions, and recommendations made during meetings, focusing on habitat conservation, restoration, and management strategies that support sustainable fisheries along the Atlantic coast.
Recapping the Habitat Committee meetings in Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Presentation on Collaborating with Local Municipalities (J. Kritzer). Presentation on Fisheries and Land Use Discourse (T. Hartley). Presentation on Blue Carbon Activities in the Coastal Zone (P. Colarusso). Presentation on Linking Habitats to Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management (P. Auster). Discuss Opportunities with Restore America’s Estuaries (K. Smith). Update on Special Management Zones (M. Yuen). Presentation from Ocean Acidification Task Force (M. Topolski).
Habitat Assessment Update (J. Devers, J. Clingerman) — Winter Flounder Assessment Update (Downstream Strategies-NALCC); Review of 2012-2016 Conservation Strategic Plan (G.Schuler); National Fish and Wildlife Foundation River Herring Project Status Update (C.Shumway); National Fish Habitat Partnership Update (S. Perry); Whitewater to Bluewater Initiative Update (L. Gardner); International Federation of Fly Fishers (IFFF) Details (G. Erikson); Consideration of IFFF ACFHP Membership (K. Smith)
Submitted to the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission as a requirement of Amendment 3 to the Interstate Management Plan for Shad and River Herring
The Delaware River is unique along the Atlantic Coast in that it is free‐flowing along the entire length of the mainstem, which allows numerous species of migratory fish and freshwater mussel species to persist far up into its headwaters where in similar East coast aquatic systems they’ve been long extirpated.
Review 2013 Action Plan (M. Yuen). Review Draft 2014 Habitat Action Plan (M. Yuen). Fish Passage Update (J. Kipp). Habitat Management Series — Review Draft of Estuarine and Nearshore Aquaculture (M. Topolski).
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