Recapping the Habitat Committee meetings in Arlington, Virginia
Habitat Committee
An overview of discussions, decisions, and recommendations made during meetings, focusing on habitat conservation, restoration, and management strategies that support sustainable fisheries along the Atlantic coast.
Recapping the Habitat Committee meetings in Portland, Maine
NOAA Fisheries and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) convened a national artificial reef workshop June 9–10, 2016, in Alexandria, Virginia. Nearly 80 participants from around the nation—including state artificial reef program managers, scientists, recreational fishermen, and non-governmental organizations, among others—shared lessons learned in artificial reef application, discussed opportunities and challenges, and considered the potential future direction of artificial reefs in U.S. waters.
Recapping the Habitat Committee meetings in Cape May, New Jersey
ASMFC’s Habitat Committee has been working with the concept of habitat bottlenecks as a means of focusing both research and management on those areas likely to yield the greatest returns.
Habitat Assessment Decision Support Tool (J. Devers); Status of Indian River Lagoon Post Algae Blooms (C. Jacoby); National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP) Update (L. Havel); Overview of NFHP Evaluations (L. Havel); Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership Collaboration Update(L. Havel); Whitewater to Bluewater Update(L. Havel)
Northeast Florida Estuarine Habitat Restoration: Marsh Madness! (R. Brockmeyer); Overview of Damariscotta Mills Dam Fish Ladder(D. Wilson); Discussion on Eel Genetics: Habitat Factsheet (J. Kritzer); Update: Habitat Bottlenecks Whitepaper, including Tautog Discussion (L. Havel, J. Kritzer); FMP Amendment Updates (Atlantic Menhaden, Northern Shrimp, Tautog) (L. Havel); Review 2015 Work Plan (L. Havel): Habitat Management Series Products (Sciaenid Habitat Document) (K. Smith) and 2015 Habitat Hotline Atlantic: Impacts of Energy Development on Fish Habitats (K. Smith); Environmental Defense Fund Workshop Review (J. Kritzer)
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