2014 marked the first year under the Commission’s new Five-Year Strategic Plan (2014-2018). As part of this new Strategic Plan, the Commission adopted the new Vision of “Sustainably Managing Atlantic Coastal Fisheries.” The Plan also recognizes the Commissioners’ commitment to respond to improved fisheries science and build on past successes to end overfishing and sustainably manage coastal species.
Annual Reports
Yearly summaries of the Commission’s activities, achievements, and financial status, providing an overview of progress and future goals.
2013 marked the final year of the Commission’s current Five-Year Strategic Plan (2009-2013). At the same time, the Commission maintained robust populations for important species such as striped bass, Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank American lobster, summer flounder, scup, black sea bass, Atlantic herring, and spiny dogfish.
Of the many accomplishments in 2012, the Commission made final decisions on an 18-month, high profile, politically and emotionally charged process to rewrite the Atlantic menhaden management program. Each state brought its concerns to the table while also listening to the concerns and needs of its sister states. They thoughtfully and respectfully deliberated the options before them and ultimately made a decision that balanced menhaden’s ecosystem functions with its human use needs.
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