Habitat Hotline Atlantic

  • 2000 Spring Issue

    GIS Technology and New York’s Tidal Wetlands Trends Analysis; Canada Extends Oil and Gas Moratorium on Georges Bank; NMFS Disapproves South Atlantic Council’s Sargassum FMP Contaminated Sediments Report Available; NC Estuarine Trawling Reviewed

  • 1998 Fall Issue

    Evaluating stream habitat for diadromous fish in Atlantic coast watersheds: a preliminary assessment; North Carolina’s Clean Water Management Trust Fund; Gulf of Maine Marine Protected Areas Project; Update on proposed wetlands nationwide permits; Pennsylvania restores hundreds of miles of streams

  • 1999 Fall Issue

    Lawsuit charges Council FMP essential fish habitat provisions inadequate; Status of Atlantic Fishery Management Councils’ EFH Amendments; Florida forever; Pollution prevention toolkit will aid coastal communities; Edwards Dam breach; Massachusetts coastal zone management to help north shore communities manage growth; Nutrient criteria an increasing priority; New York starts pilot project to help local governments restore coastal ecosystems; Saltonstall-Kennedy Grants available

  • 1999 Winter Issue

    Fishery Management Council Prohibits Sargassum Seaweed Harvest; Rhode Island Establishes No-Discharge Area for Boat Sewage; Transportation Act Funds Available For Water Quality Protection; RI Council Adopts Policies to Protect Submerged Aquatic Vegetation; Canadian Drilling Moratorium on Georges Bank Set to Expire; U.S. Officials Urge Re-enactment; ASMFC Horseshoe Crab Plan Requires Extensive Monitoring & Habitat Identification; DOD Determines Feasibility of Contaminated Sediment Disposal on Abyssal Seafloor; EPA’s Contaminated Sediment Strategy Available

  • 1998 Summer Issue

    Promoting citizen’s participation in habitat conservation; Sierra Club’s Water Watch Project; EPA releases plans and strategy for cleaner water; Proposed wetlands nationwide permits; Rhode Island Department of Transportation ordered to stop dredging; Scientist links nutrient runoff with forest defoliation

  • 1997 Winter Issue

    Use of New York Bight habitat by juvenile yellowtail flounder; Vice President Gore announces clean water initiative; States assist NMFS and Councils in accessing essential fish habitat data; Habitat Committee adopts SAV Policy Implementation Plan; Edwards Dam re-licensing denied

  • 1997 Fall Issue

    Endocrine-disrupting chemicals in marine and estuarine systems: should we be concerned?; NACo Implements nonpoint source pollution program; Linking town hall to technology and land use to water quality in Connecticut; Settlement speeds Puerto Rico coral reef repair; Profile: the EPA Office of Sustainable Ecosystems and Communities; Florida’s statewide ocean resource inventory project; National Estuary Program bill reintroduced in House; Poll shows Americans support environmental protection; Conference – Global Climate Change: What Does it Mean for the Mid-Atlantic States?

  • 1997 Summer Issue

    Atlantic coastal watershed losses and the economic value of fisheries: a state by state review; Wetlands for clean water: how wetlands protect rivers, lakes, and coastal waters from pollution; New Jersey legislators introduce federal clean water enforcement bills; EPA publishes toxic release inventory; NC lawsuit seeks tougher pollution limits; Rhode Island dredging study leads to action; American Sportfishing Association announces clean water effort; Good news for wetlands: It’s Ba-a-ack!!; Comments on dioxin due to EPA by September 5; Wetland protection options for local governments; Maryland Coastal Bays National Estuary Program focuses on habitat; Pfiesteria implicated in Chesapeake Bay fish kills

  • 1997 Spring Issue

    New Jersey Governor meets dredging issues head on: Governor supports integrated task force’s recommendations which protect economy and environment; Clean Water Act reauthorization; Protecting fish habitat trade show exhibit: get the message out!; NY/NJ Harbor Estuary Plan released for public comment; Local coalition heads off stormwater pollution