Fish passage restoration efforts continue; Around the coast: computer programs help restoration decisions; Early visit from rays decimates river oysters; Undersea volcano’s eruption captured on video
Habitat Hotline Atlantic
Invasion of the habitat snatchers: a profile on two Atlantic Coast invasive species; Around the coast: spotlight on zebra mussels in New York; Invasive species legislation update; Data node established on east coast; Gulf of Maine species count reaches 3,317; Delaware releases guidebook on natural habitat management of open spaces
Creating partnerships for aquatic habitat restoration: the National Fish Habitat Initiative; New York Governor announces over $9.1 million to improve Long Island water quality and habitats; Local organizations receive $3 million to help restore local rivers and Chesapeake Bay; Around the coast: spotlight on New Hampshire’s designation of no discharge in coastal waters
Harmful algal blooms: a growing threat to people and marine ecosystems; Around the coast: spotlight on North Carolina’s Coastal Habitat Protection Program
Second national coast condition report published: U.S. coastal areas assessed; Around the coast: spotlight on South Carolina’s Coastal Assessment Program
Explaining the Long Island Sound lobster die-off: the perfect storm; Two Florida corals proposed for threatened status Boaters help protect coral reefs and seagrass beds; Coral reefs report published; U.S. and Australia partner for coral reef research; President Bush responds to Ocean Commission recommendations
NRC report outlines the impacts of oil on marine fish habitat; Coast Guard establishes mandatory ballast water management program; New coral reef web site
Two ocean commissions recommend action for improved marine and estuarine fish habitat; ASMFC’s Habitat Committee strategic planning for 2004-2008
Fish habitat in urban environments: NY-NJ harbor; National coastal wetlands conservation grants awarded; Group takes legal action to reduce nitrogen pollution in Chesapeake Bay; Three port cities receive federal funds to clean-up contaminated sites
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